People often believe that web marketing and SEO are totally different entities. However, there is a ton of carryover between the two. You cannot effectively perform web marketing without also including aspects of SEO and vice versa. In this piece, our goal is to cover some SEO basics, an SEO for dummies, if you will. We simply want to go over what important aspects of SEO you need to make sure you are getting and why. This will help you understand why your web marketing and SEO need to work together.

What is Web Marketing?

Web marketing is taking the time to market or provide branding to a digital presence, such as a website. This includes branding, getting the website fully functional, worrying about user experience, and making sure there is informative content on the website for visitors. However, there is more that goes into web marketing than that. There is also the need for exposure. Marketing a website that does not function well or has nothing of value on it means any exposure you get is relatively worthless. Your goal should be to get your website in front of the right audience. You want your website to provide value to those who would be searching for your product or service. That is where SEO comes into play.

Then What is SEO?

SEO is short for search engine optimization, and can be used interchangeable with search engine optimization strategy. It means having a plan to get your website to naturally rank in front of the right people by increasing your search engine positioning. You need to include things like keywords and audience when you work on organic SEO. The words your target audience searches for are important. You need to include those keywords in any content you put up on the site. You will also find that user experience is a very important aspect of SEO as well. If you get in front of the right audience, it will do you no good if your website is non-functional. You need to go through and make sure your website is set up for users first, then any web crawlers that look over your site.

As explained in an earlier SEO blog we wrote, a web crawler is essentially looking around in the pitch black. If you do not have the right clues for that crawler to find, it will not know what your website is about. This is the point of making sure you have things like ALT tags on your images and metadata in each page and post you have live. These are the clues that web crawlers are looking for to see what your website is all about. The more information you give these crawlers, the more likely they are to point your website to the right people.

How to Effectively Combine Web Marketing and SEO

Combining web marketing and SEO is the best way to get your website in front of the people you want and need most. These people are your visitors, buyers, and audience. You want them to come to the site for the information, and stay for the product or service you have. The website needs to be appealing to them, provide them the information they came to get, and give them a reason to stay. By branding and marketing your website, you can get many more eyes on the information you have to provide. However, without an effective organic SEO strategy in place, you will have far fewer people coming to the site despite the best web marketing strategy.

The Affordable SEO Company Can Help with Both Marketing and SEO Services

Now that you see how web marketing and SEO work together, contact the team of professional SEO experts here at the Affordable SEO company. We pick our experts based on what they can bring to the table. Most of the people who work with us have been doing SEO full-time for over 5 years, and they know what your website needs. To find out how we can cater an effective and affordable SEO package to your specific needs, simply reach out to us. You can email us at, or you can call us at 1(224)814-1223 today. We will take the time to understand your needs, plus explain how we can help.